Pocket Size Designs

Here we are changing things up some. Instead of having our designs ‘in your face’, large in size, we have decided to go the ‘pocket size’ route.

Now, most of the successful POD (print on demand) designers say you should take up most of the reale estate provided on a piece of apparel (front of a t-shirt for an example) with your design. Each company that does POD has their own custom dimensions for print size, so those have to be followed, especially for maximum effect. I have generally followed that rule of thumb and have had success using those guidelines.

Yet, my wife is petite in size, and she has mentioned in the past that some of these ‘full size graphic designs’ just look too big on her when she is wearing one of the designs. So I thought, what if we did ‘pocket size’ designs? So we did! It will be interesting to see if any sell, if you, our customer, will like this new size or not? Please let us know.

Just to let you know we will be expanding our designs to other venues in the future. Right now we are still settling into our new digs after having moved last summer. I am in the process of getting the ‘one car’ garage organized so we can get a car into it along with the other stuff a garage usually has. We downsized, so we are trying to follow that famous artistic saying: ‘Less is more’. God’s blessings to you and yours!

Click ‘Pocket’ below to go to Pocket Size Design page.


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