How We Love Our Pets!

How we love our pets!

For many of us, they are the first to greet us in the morning as we wake up. They are also, for many of us, the ones who wake us up in the morning, for they are hungry and also need to go outdoors for their daily walk. How many of us would not get any exercise in our daily life if it were not for our pets?

How many of our pets resemble us over time? (or maybe we start to resemble them???) I think of that insurance commercial on tv with the young gentleman sitting with the Statue of Liberty in the distance behind him, sitting with his dog and they both have long blonde hair, each scratching behind the ears. I’m sure there are sites on the internet with pets and their owners that actually look very alike.

So we have humor with our pets, or others get humor from us and our pets. Dogs are ready to please and cats want to be pleased, so it seems. Each is active in our lives and we are ‘trained’ to accommodate them over time.

So, are you a cat person, a dog person, or maybe both? Are you a morning person or not? Is your personality a ‘dog’s love’ in the morning, or maybe a ‘cat’s not now, leave me alone’ attitude in the morning? Do you prefer evenings, late afternoons, a sunset style way of life, just as long as you can sleep in the following morning? Nothing better than cuddling up in your favorite place with your cat purring along on your lap, or dog resting it’s head on your lap enjoying the quiet of the moment. Or maybe you do prefer mornings, and are the one who gladly takes your dog on it’s morning walk, waging it’s tail with a big smile on it’s face. I guess if you had a tail, it would be waging along also!

We are all unique! We all compliment each other. We all are needed in the grand scheme of things. The world evolves around us, we make it move, let’s just enjoy our time here with our pets and have a little humor along with it.

Life is short, enjoy!

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