Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love. How do we define it?

A couple of years ago it really became clear to me. I was thinking about our kids, from the joy of my wife giving birth to them, to now experiencing life with them as they are now adults.

I think as our kids are growing, we focus all of our attention on their ‘growth’, and ours is put on the back burner. (Then that day comes when we look at ourselves in the mirror and are shocked at who is looking back at us! Who is that older person?)

But no matter who our kids become, what they may do or believe, we still love them unconditionally! It was being in this frame of mind, that it occurred to me, as we love our kids unconditionally, so does God love each one of us unconditionally! As much as we may screw up, do stupid things, say hurtful things to others, and to God …. He still loves us unconditionally!

Now the question is: How much do we love Him in return?

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