Let the Holiday Season Begin!

Today is the day after Thanksgiving here in the states. This is traditionally the official start of the ‘holiday season’ in America. This is the day stores look forward too all year, for the holiday shopping season is officially ‘open for business’.

There are many families who enjoy shopping together on this ‘day of days’. The crowds, the traffic, the excitement of finding that special gift for a loved one … all encompass what many believe what this holiday season promotes: the gift of ‘giving’.

During this time, I think more people are in a better mood, one of anticipation to the climatic day of Christmas. We are looking forward to showing our love for one another. Families who are spread about the country, get together to celebrate one another on this special day. For Christmas is the day we gather as families showing our love for each other in many different ways. High on this list is: gift giving, midnight mass, breakfast with the whole family, opening gifts around the Christmas tree as holiday music plays in the background, sharing memories of days gone by, remembering loved ones who are no longer here with us, and some even have a birthday cake for Jesus, and sing Him a Happy Birthday song!

There are also those who give of themselves on this magical day of days. They give of their finances to help those who have nothing. They give of their time to help out at a soup kitchen, or homeless shelter. They give of their talents to brighten up those sick in hospitals on this day when we all should be celebrating with our families.

We have many in our society who have no families, or at least can’t be with their family for many different reasons. It is sad to experience being alone on this day of days. Why does this happen?

I remember when I was growing up, and after midnight mass, I would go outside and walk down our silent country road not feeling the holiday joy. I cannot pinpoint why? I had a loving family, not perfect, but normal. I was given love in many ways, some being discipline, which I feel is in short supply in today’s society here in America. I had gifts under the Christmas tree waiting to be opened Christmas morning, but yet, I was lonely.

Maybe, I felt the gifts I gave were not ‘good enough’? My love language is ‘giving’ of my time. I love to help others, but I am also one who expects ‘gratitude’ when I give of my time or talent. I’m not saying this is right, but that is how I felt.

So we look around our ‘world’ and see many who are lonely, lost, or just without family. I think as a society, we do offer some Christmas ‘spirit’ by offering those a meal, a warm bed, community, and maybe some can even find ‘family’ in all of this. But I think we should also look around in our own families and see if anyone looks ‘lost’ this time of year. Some hide their loniness quite well, some fight depression all year long, some just need a sense of belonging.

According to God’s Word, we are supposed to be ‘Thankful’ in everything! No matter what the world throws at us, we are to be ‘thankful’. Easier said then done.

I have been doing a 3.5 year bible study, 1078 days long, covering the whole bible. I am on day 846 right now, which means I should complete this study through the bible by mid-summer 2021. It is in doing this bible study that I can understand ‘being thankful in everything’. I am not saying it is easy, but I understand. But what about all those hurting this holiday season who don’t study God’s Word? How do they understand this?

This season is celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who is God! How is Jesus remembered on this day of days? Is He even remembered? How can we as a society help one another in our good times and bad times, if we don’t even acknowledge why we celebrate Christmas? For many it has become a day of giving gifts without any mention of Jesus. I often say here in America we have ‘kicked God to the curb’, we no longer invite Him into our daily lives.

Let us invite Jesus back into Christmas, the day of days, which is the celebration of His birthday! It is the celebration when God loved ‘us’ so much, He sent His only Son, Jesus into our world, to show how much He loves us! It is by showing us His love for us, we can model and show others our love for them. For God says the two greatest commandments are to Love Him with all we have, and to Love our neighbor as we would want them to love us in return. Let us show one another love all year long.

Merry Christmas!

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