Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! Let the Holiday Season begin!
Let us enjoy the season of Thanksgiving and not jump ahead to Christmas, at least for awhile.
We all have something to be thankful for, and being realistic, I know we all have issues in our lives that can bring us down. But during this season, let’s try to focus on the ‘good’ in our lives.
I am thankful for my beautiful bride of 33 years! God brought us together, has kept us together, and we look forward to our future together with God at the center of our lives.
I am thankful for our two sons! I still remember carrying our oldest son into the nursery at the hospital after an emergency c-section. I remember combing his hair and in awe as I held this beautiful child of ours. God was with us, for both my wife and child’s lives were at stake, and life prevailed. God is so good to us!
Our second child was also an emergency c-section, and life prevailed again. I think of how God gives life, and God takes life. The day after our second child was born, my dad passed. My mom said he was only waiting to hear about his new grandchild before he said goodbye to his time here on earth.
So many memories as our boys grew into fine young men! I remember when they were pre-school, and when I came home from work, opened the back door, they both came running into my arms welcoming me home! I remember them playing sports growing up, and all the traveling to games; baseball, soccer, football, basketball. How I miss the excitement of watching them, for they played because they loved the game, and when they won, we celebrated, and when they did not win, we consoled.
Then there is our six year old grandson, what joy he brings into our lives! He is so smart, and a delight to be with, play with, and just cuddle with and hug! I must admit, a couple of weekends ago we had him, and he and I wrestle on the living room floor. He is now getting big enough that when he ‘body slams’ me, it’s starting to hurt some. Auć! ( ‘ouch’ in Polish ).
Many people are hurting now, due to many factors, including Covid. Let’s help one another enjoy ‘Thanksgiving’ to the best we can. Bake a pie for a neighbor, invite someone over for dinner, give to a local charity, just give of yourself, it will make you ‘Thankful’ for all God has blessed you with.
Happy Thanksgiving!

p.s. Check out our Thanksgiving (and Christmas) shirts. Just click on one of the photo’s of choice and explore our many designs. Give a gift to yourself, or one for a loved one. Happy Holidays!

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