Happy? New Year!

Wow! I am at a lost for words. So many are excited that 2020 is behind us and are looking forward to see what 2021 brings. I am not looking forward to what 2021 brings, but I am looking forward to see how God acts in this new year.

So much happened in 2020. The year started with great promise. The American economy was booming, the stock market was up, unemployment was low, and most people were content. Then the virus hit! BOOM! Our lives were thrown into total confusion, uncertainty, and lockdown. What was this virus? How did it happen? What would it do to us? Who is responsibie for it?

The finger pointing started. Our country has been so divisive as of late. Conservatives vs. liberals. Democrats vs. Republicans. Whites vs. Blacks. Christians vs. Secularists. We are supposed to be ‘One nation under God’! What happened? Even God is looked down upon.

This country of ours, America, which was founded upon the belief that we are free, free to say what we want, free to practice religion as we want, and free to defend ourselves, well, these freedoms are being questioned whether they are good for us, and maybe our government knows a better way?

Yes, there are extemes across the board. Good and Bad. Yet we as a nation have stayed the course over 240 years, and have flourished because we have held one common belief: We are one nation under God.

This is not a popular viewpoint in a country founded upon God! How did this happen? Why is this viewpoint looked down upon? What has changed? Some parts of the world now view the bible as a ‘hate’ book! Really? How did that happen?

As one of my bumper stickers and shirt designs in my University of Heaven ‘Zazzle’ store proclaims: BELIEVING IN GOD MEANS NOTHING, BELIEVING GOD MEANS EVERYTHING.

Many say they believe in God, yet how many actually ‘Believe’ God? To believe God means to believe His Word, the bible. The bible gives us a roadmap to life.

I am not perfect, I am a sinner. I read and study the bible daily, and am getting better at understanding my life and God’s plan for my life as a Christian. I know this can be argued until the return of Jesus, but I firmly believe in Proverbs 3:5-6 – Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.

I will put my Trust in the Lord all the days of my life. I ask that you do too! Happy New Year!

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