Don’t Give Up!

I have been meaning to write this blog for the past month just because of this photo. When I walk around the subdivision across the road from me, I pass this tree and am in awe of it’s determination to survive! Just look at it, most of the top portion is missing, it is full of holes from birds picking at it, and yet it survives! The dilapidated tree still has branches basking in the sun with green needles daring Mother Nature to challenge them. The roots dig in deeper to keep nourishment flowing through it’s veins, it balks at anything attempting to overtake it!

The overall theme of this blog on my website is to encourage, to give hope, and to bring understanding to life. As much as I want to help others, I find myself needing this ‘Don’t Give Up!’ message also!

On March 24th of this year of 2020, I found myself at home because of the Covid 19 virus. People were told to go home and bunker down, as we would try to stop the spread of Covid 19. So for the next month or so, I spent 8-12 hours each day working on getting this website up and running. I had not really done a website of this magnitude before, so I watched a lot of YouTube videos learning how to do it. I set my mind to do biblical based designs to bring hope and comfort to any and all who were in need of this.

I created some designs, posted them on this website, and looked forward to customers buying my products. I was determined to give most of the proceeds to charity (after taxes), which I still plan to do, and to experience having a ‘warm and fuzzy’ feeling inside by spreading God’s word through my products. Well, this has been A LOT more work than I planned on, the sales of my products have been next to none (I have sold a few items), and I am wondering if I am going around in circles?

They say it will take a good six months before things will start happening, so I hang onto that thought. My big stumbling block is getting my products ‘out there’. Social Media is not my thing. I am learning, but it is slow. I post items on Facebook, with hopes of others ‘sharing’ my items, just so they can keep ‘spreading’ across the web. I am not asking anyone to purchase anything, just to ‘re-post’ when I post. If you like an item, please buy.

There is so much work in this, especially when I have been back to work for the past five weeks full time. The one positive, I am working from home, so I have no daily commute into town. I must keep coming up with new, fresh designs. I must keep building my portfolio. That is what all the experts keep saying, you have to have a large inventory of items, the more you have, the more of a chance something will sell.

I want to ‘Thank’ all of you for putting up with my ‘postings’ of the products I design for sale. If anyone wants to help an ‘olderfart’ like me with this social media promotion stuff, I am all ears! And as always, please have a GREAT DAY!

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