Life Matters

I had a thought the other day. That alone can be dangerous or not, happen or not, good or not?

Anyway, let’s talk about ‘Life’ and our God given right to have ‘Life’. I think back to the late 1960’s and the 1970’s. These years were my growing years. The economy was running smoothly here in America as I entered high school in the fall of 1971. The late ’60s saw the ‘free love’ movement gain speed here and our culture slowly started to change, some say not for the better. The Vietnam war ended by the mid 70s and the oil shortage started to have an effect on the world economy. During the summers of my college years I worked in the auto plants in Michigan. That would be the summers of 1976 through 1979. I saw the auto get ‘sized down’ due to the gas shortage and MPG ratings. I saw unemployment starting to effect our way of life, I saw interest rates starting to rise also, making it harder to buy a house for people just starting out. But through all of this, the one thing that is hardly talked about is the legalization of abortion here in America in 1973.

I started to write on the statistics of abortion, but it was too painful …. death is never a desired topic. This topic can be debated until Jesus returns and you will still have strong arguements on both sides of the fence.

I want to talk about the economic impact abortion has had on our culture. Say roughly 60 million babies have been aborted since 1973 here in America, I wonder how America would look today if those babies were never aborted?

I think our economy would still be exploding. More people would be buying houses, cars, household goods, clothing, etc. All this ‘buying’ would equate into more jobs, more jobs means a stronger ecomony, and we would have a manufacturing industry hard at work like it was in the early 1970s before the gas shortage.

You can argue about population growth, but there is so much room for expansion in America, that is proven. But I guess like the ‘global warming’ agenda, you can find people to argue their facts on both sides of the fence. Yet, you can find some that say ‘zero population growth’ here in America is killing our country. They say it is only being ‘propped’ up by the illegal aliens coming through our borders.

With the upcoming Presidental election, how many more Democrats and Republicans would be voting if these babies had not been aborted? How many diseases would be a none factor, especially Covid-19, if one of these babies God formed, would of had the ability to create a vaccine for it? God know’s what He is doing, but we seem to be telling Him we can take care of things all by ourselves.

All this is nothing new. Read the bible and see the course of human nature since the creation of Adam. According to the writings of scripture, it is when ‘we’ start doing things our ‘way’ and not God’s ‘way’ that things start to fall apart for us. Like I said in the last paragraph, God know’s what He is doing, we just have to listen to Him and follow His advice, and all will be well.

I don’t want to end on a sad note. The negatives about abortion are real, we are supposed and keep it all ‘hush hush’, for ‘free-choice’ over ‘God’s-choice’ has become ‘pro-choice’ in our society.

Too many babies have had their life sucked out of them, especially since 1973, when abortion became legal here in America. And too, many mothers suffer daily remembering they ended the life of their baby.

They cry in silence on their baby’s birthday every year, wondering who their child would be today. They are ashamed and feel so guilty, that many do not seek the help they need. That is the work of the devil and our prideful society keeping them from seeking the help they need! For our ‘prideful’ society does not want the evil of abortion to be exposed.

God forgives us of all we may do wrong if we seek His mercy and repent from our sins. Yes, God hates abortion, but He still loves all those who suffer daily from having had an abortion. Seek God. Life Matters.

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