Your Vote does Matter!

A month from yesterday, Oct. 3rd, 2020, we will be voting for our next president of these great United States. So by this time, in one month, we should have a good idea if President Trump will continue to be our President, or if Joe Biden will be our new President.

Below is an article written by freelance writer: Don Vaughan, based in Raleigh, North Carolina. He shows us how each of our ‘one’ votes does count. So, get out there and VOTE! on November 3rd, 2020.

One of the most common reasons people give for not voting in elections is that they feel their lone vote doesn’t matter. History, however, shows otherwise—especially when it comes to presidential elections, as illustrated by these five extremely close races.

John F. Kennedy/Richard Nixon (1960)
John F. Kennedy fought hard for the Democratic nomination, besting Hubert Humphrey over 13 primaries and then defeating Senate Majority Leader Lyndon B. Johnson on the first ballot at the Democratic National Convention. Richard Nixon, who had been vice president under Dwight D. Eisenhower, was nominated by the Republicans to face Kennedy in the general election. It was an extremely tight race, with the candidates tied at 47 percent in the Gallup polls. Kennedy won the popular vote by less than 120,000 votes out of 68.8 million votes cast and received 303 electoral college votes to Nixon’s 219.

James A. Garfield/Winfield Scott Hancock (1880)
Determining the Republican candidate in the 1880 presidential election turned into a heated three-way race in which James A. Garfield, then head of the Ohio delegation, wasn’t even a part. However, he received a handful of courtesy votes during the early balloting, then more and more as the balloting continued. On the 36th ballot, he won the party’s nomination. Garfield faced Democrat Winfield Scott Hancock, an American Civil War hero, in the general election and, despite a hint of personal scandal, managed to win by a mere 7,368 popular votes and 214 votes in the electoral college to Hancock’s 155.

George W. Bush/Al Gore (2000)
The 2000 presidential election was one of the most contentious in American history and one of the closest—just days before the election, pollsters said it was too close to call. Vote tallying was marred by inconsistencies, particularly in Florida, where Al Gore demanded a recount. Legal challenges eventually brought the race before the U.S. Supreme Court, where calls for a recount were rejected, handing the election to George W. Bush. Bush won the electoral college with 271 votes to Gore’s 266 but lost the popular vote by some 500,000.

Rutherford B. Hayes/Samuel J. Tilden (1876)
Politics didn’t get more rough and tumble than the 1876 presidential election, which ultimately positioned Republican Rutherford B. Hayes against Democrat Samuel J. Tilden, who was governor of New York. Hayes won his party’s nomination on the seventh ballot, then campaigned in the face of national anti-Republican sentiment resulting from the many scandals of outgoing Pres. Ulysses S. Grant. The election was hard fought, and the vote tallying was marred by irregularities and hostility. It became the longest and most controversial election up to its time and threatened to wreak havoc across the country. It was finally concluded in the House of Representatives when the speaker forced completion of the vote count on March 2, 1877. Hayes lost the popular vote to Tilden by some 250,000 votes but won the electoral college by a single vote.

John Quincy Adams/Andrew Jackson (1824)
John Quincy Adams’s path to the White House pitted him against four other candidates in a race that was long, difficult, and ultimately determined by a single vote in the House of Representatives. Unlike earlier elections, those running in the 1824 race were chosen based on regional popularity rather than party affiliation. Facing Adams were John C. Calhoun, William H. Crawford, Henry Clay, and Andrew Jackson. Jackson won the popular vote with 152,901 to Adams’s 114,023, with Clay and Crawford coming in third and fourth, respectively. Calhoun had withdrawn from the race in the hope of becoming vice president. Jackson did not receive enough votes to win in the electoral college, so, under the Twelfth Amendment, it fell to the House of Representatives to determine the outcome. Adams won by a single vote after Clay was eliminated through negotiation and his supporters in the House awarded their votes to Adams. Jackson and his supporters were livid at the results.

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